Project Description

We effectively executed ads marketing for Flax Home, achieving outstanding results within a monthly budget of $14K. The focus was on optimizing ad campaigns to not only meet but exceed revenue expectations, resulting in a substantial monthly revenue of $64K and beyond.


The challenge at the onset was determining the most effective advertising strategies to maximize ROI within the allocated budget. Ad performance needed refinement, and the initial testing phase aimed to identify the winning approaches while minimizing spending on underperforming ads.


  • Strategic Testing
  • Data-Driven Iterations
  • Audience Expansion
  • Variation Creation
  • Performance Analysis


With a monthly budget of $14K, Flax Home not only witnessed a remarkable average revenue of $64K but also experienced consistent revenue growth beyond expectations. The strategic testing, data-driven iterations, and continuous refinement allowed for an optimized ads marketing approach that not only met but exceeded revenue goals. The insights gathered from performance analysis paved the way for the creation of varied yet successful ads, contributing to the sustained success and growth of Flax Home's advertising endeavors.


  • client : Flaxhome
  • category : Paid Media
  • duration : 12 Months
  • Tags : Paid Media, Marketing Strategy